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Audition Information



The upcoming production of Mary Poppins is our 2025 High School show. Because of the child roles in this show, we need a group of younger students to audition so that we can complete our cast. Students in grades 3-8 are invited to audition. That being said, I would like to be very honest up front about the way the casting of this show will go. We can only take about 40 kids from the Elementary and Middle School combined. This year we already performed 2 shows involving grades 4th-8th. The casts of both those shows totaled well over 100 kids and we expect a large number of them to audition for this show. There is no way we will be able to cast everyone who auditions for Mary Poppins, it simply is not possible because of the numbers. MANY STUDENTS WILL BE CUT.


BUT, as the director of our musical theater program here at ECS, I think doing the high school audition will be a great experience for any student wanting to pursue future roles in our program, even if they do not get a part in Mary Poppins. I do not want to deter anyone from auditioning, only let you know that the chance is high that they will NOT get cast. Please let your student know this going into the audition so they do not have false hope, but a realistic view of what the outcome may be.


The past shows have been growing and learning experiences for every student involved. This show is NOT a learning show. We are looking to cast students that can perform at a high level and be able to “hang” with the older kids. 

In order to be eligible to be cast in the show, students must be 3rd grade or older, they must demonstrate that they are committed to academics first and foremost and the behavioral standards of the school. We are also looking for students who have a level of maturity and self-control that is needed for this level of production. Students WILL BE CUT.  As the director, I will make the final determination in this regard.

One more thing, if your child is cast it is most likely they will only be performing in 4 out of the 8 shows. There will be 2 casts of Mary Poppins and each cast will have 2 shows in the first weekend and 2 shows in the second weekend. Some roles may be needed for all 8 shows, but for the majority, it will be only 4. Each elementary student that is cast, must have a parent volunteer backstage for at least one performance to help monitor and direct the kids.

If you have any questions about this, or anything else pertaining to the Mary Poppins Auditions, please email me, Mrs. Conway (


Vocal Auditions - Monday,(1/27) 3:10pm-6:30pm
Tuesday, (1/28) 3:10pm 6:30pm
(By Appointment, not required to attend the full time period)

 Group Dance Audition - Wednesday, January 29th, 
Grades 3-5 3pm- 5pm
Grades 6-8 3:15pm- 5:30pm
Grades 9 and up 3:15- 6pm

 **times are approximate but we try to stay on schedule**

Callbacks for Lead Characters (by invitation only)-
Thursday, January 30th 3:15pm-6:30pm
Friday, January 31st 12:45-4:00pm (if needed) 

You will find out if you are called back at your initial vocal audition. A call back schedule will be posted on Wednesday so that you can see exactly when to show up if you are called back for a role.
(If there is a problem with the timing of auditions or you are not able to attend callbacks, please let us know asap so we can make the necessary arrangements).

The Cast List will be posted on the website as soon as it is completed.
Hopefully by Sunday 2/2 . 

All participating students will take part in the audition process in order to be cast in the show. This is all part of the learning process and we really try to make it fun! 


All students will sing their songs by themselves in front of the direction team only. The audition room is very positive and calm and we desire to make it a "no pressure" and "fun" environment.


Each student has the choice of singing a song from this show or another musical theater style song. We prefer choosing a song from the current show which are listed under the "audition songs" tab. We will provide the song accompaniment for the show songs. If you sing your own song, please bring your own accompaniment music. 


After auditions the casting process begins. NOT Every student who auditions will be cast. We are limited to a certain cast size. Every single character and person are important and necessary in a musical!! The direction team puts in many hours, and much prayer, determining who is best suited for each role.


Please bring your audition card & forms with you to your audition(these forms will be handed out at the parent meeting). Remember to attach a current headshot (can be a school photo or a simple printout) to your card. Photos will not be returned after the auditions.

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