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3rd & 4th Grade Audition Information


If you do NOT want a lead role in this show, you will come to the first rehearsal on September 19th and you will automatically get a part in the show. All kids will be cast.

If you would like to be cast in one of the Lead Roles for this show, you MUST take part in the audition process.

Audition Date: Thursday, September, 14th from 3pm-6pm
What to prepare for Auditions: Please come prepared to sing the song below. You will sing it by yourself in front of the teachers. Smile, have fun and do your best to show us what you can do with your character on stage.
What to expect at Auditions: You will be with your friends in a holding room (where you may practice/rehearse your song) then we will call you in the audition room in groups of 3 at which time you will sing your song by yourself for the teachers.  We will then give you a paper with some lines to read for a certain character. You will have time to practice reading and acting out these lines, then you will come back in front of the teachers and read them with the other characters in your scene.

On Tuesday, September 19th, which is our first rehearsal, we will continue the audition process with a dance audition that the entire cast will learn and perform together. 

The Cast List will come out on September 23rd. From that point on rehearsals will be on Tuesdays (3rd grade only) & Thursdays(4th grade only) from 3-4:30. If you are cast as a lead, you may need to be at both rehearsal days. 



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